Oliver Maner LLP has a significant history representing clients in numerous major professions.
We recognize that professional liability litigation calls for legal expertise as well as a thorough understanding of the practices and protocols underlying the particular profession. We are committed to achieving the best possible results for our clients and protecting, what we know is often most important- our clients’ hard earned reputations. We take great pride in our fellow professionals calling during what are nearly always very trying times to defend or assist in these matters.
Some of the many professions and professional entities that we represent include:
- Accountants
- Architects
- Chiropractors
- Contractors
- Doctors
- Dentists
- Directors and Officers
- Engineers
- Hospitals
- Lawyers
- Oral Surgeons
- Osteopaths
- Paralegals
- Personal Representatives
- Pharmacists
- Physician's Assistants
- Real Estate Agents
If you need assistance with your case or legal matter, please contact the Firm at (912) 236-3311, email one of our lawyers, or complete the “Discuss Your Case” form below.
Discuss Your Case
Trust your case to our experienced team. Contact us to discuss your important legal needs.
218 West State Street, Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 236-3311